Thursday, September 29, 2011

jom make macarons...

jom join make macarons nmpak owsome kn tp ssh nk cri so make sndiri la ape lg heheh lg puas ati so aku akn bg resepi nye just ikt je heheh......resepi die mudah je......

do not try do not know the results so try it .... give sincere smile while making it must be so if not so try again .... sign of the success of the effort ..heheh amboi speking la minah ney hahaha 


110 gm serbuk badam ( boleh gune serbuk koko jugak)
225 gram gula icing
4 biji putih telur (gred A)
5o gram gula caster
Piping Bag( ptg hujung piping beg dalam ukuran 1cm-sekiranya piping beg pakai buang)
Pewarna Makanan
Esen Vanilla ( sedikit)
3 putih telur
1 cawan gula
1 cawan butter tanpa garam
(kacau sehingga sebati)
Alternatif: ada jugak jual kat kedai bakeri filling yg ready made

Panaskan oven/ketuhar

1. Campurkan serbuk badam dan gula icing dan ayakkan.(ketepikan dahulu)
2. Masukkan putih telur dan gula caster, pukul sehingga sebati .
3. Campurkan semua bahan ( serbuk badam+gula icong yang telah siap di ayak) dan ( putih telur+gila caster) serta pewarna makanan( ikut citarasa masing2), kacau hingga pewarna mesra dengan bahan2 tersebut.
4. Masukkan dalam piping beg
5. Pipekan setiap satu macaroon dalam ukuran 2cm ( jarakkan)
( sebaiknya alaskan tray pembakar dengan kertas parchment( ada jual kat kedai bakeri)
6. Biarkan dahulu dalam masa 5-10 minit
7. Hiaskan diatas macaroon dengan chocolate rice atau lain2 ( ikut citarasa)
8. Bakar dalam 12-15 minit( 150 degree celcius)
9. Kuarkan dari oven dan ketuhar utk proses letakkan filling.
10. Prosesnye senang, mcm buat sandwich.
( Ambil satu macaroon, side yang rata, ratakan filling gunakan spatula), dan tekapkan dengan satu lagi macaroon ( side yang rata gak).




Hal yg sangat penting terutama pada orang yang suka on9 di Cyber Cafe...Ok,sebelum korang guna PC..1st Check device ni sama ada disambungkan dekat CPU atau tak..Alat ini dinamakan Keystroke. Ia dicucuk di hujung cable keyboard yg terhubung ke PC, ini digunakan untuk menyimpan semua data yg telah diketik oleh keyboard itu...Kebanyakan ini dipakai di Internet kafe, pameran, hotel Dan lapangan terbang. Maka berhati2lah terutama anda yg menggunakan Internet di tempat seperti itu untuk mengakses account bank online atau site penting lainnya.Setelah anda masuk ke account bank, Dan setelah selesai, meninggalkan PC, itu akan dgn mudahnya untuk membuka account itu kembali dgn apa yg sebelumnya anda ketik, yg telahtersimpan di dlm Black Device.Jadi, sebaiknya anda periksa dahulu PC jika Ada sesuatu yg mencurigakan di belakangnya sebelum menggunakan Internet di tempat umum untuk mengakses site pentingSemoga informasi ini berguna untuk anda semua..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

cerita sedih!!!

This is a Story...Please read this!

Hi, Mommy.

... ...I'm your baby. You don't know me yet, I'm only a few
weeks old. You're going to find out about me soon, though, I promise.
Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I've got
beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don't have it yet, but I
will when I'm born. I'm going to be your only child, and you'll call me
your one and only. I'm going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we
have each other. We'll help each other, and love each other. I want to
be a doctor when I grow up.

You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn't
wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was
perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I
will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I
know it already.

Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about
me! ...He wasn't happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don't think that
you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called
wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don't think I understand
yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did
something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and
your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay... but I was very sad
for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That's a sound I don't like. It
doesn't make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after,
and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I'm not sure if I
do. It wasn't right. You say he loves you... why would he hurt you? I
don't like it, Mommy.

Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and
you're so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes,
and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most
beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I'm
happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait
and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will
make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.

I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your
hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love
you, Mommy.

Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting
funny and he wasn't talking right. He said he didn't want you. I don't
know why, but that's what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry,
Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won't let you get hurt! I promise to
protect you. Daddy is bad. I don't care if you think that he is a good
person, I think he's bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn't want
us. He doesn't like me. Why doesn't he like me, Mommy?

You didn't talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?

It's been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven't talked to me or
touched me or anything since that. Don't you still love me, Mommy? I
still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when
you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug
me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don't you do
that when you're awake, any more?

I'm 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren't you proud of me? We're going
somewhere today, and it's somewhere new. I'm excited. It looks like a
hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell
you that? I hope you're as excited as I am. I can't wait.

...Mommy, I'm getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don't
know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think
something's going to happen soon. I'm really, really, really scared,
Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love

Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It
feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!

Don't worry Mommy, I'm safe. I'm in heaven with the angels now. They
told me what you did, and they said it's called an abortion.

Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don't you love me any more? Why did you
get rid of me? I'm really, really, really sorry if I did something
wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why
don't you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want
to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care
about me, and not talk to me. Didn't I love you enough? Please say
you'll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and
see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don't want to be here, I
want you to love me again! I'm really really really sorry if I did
something wrong. I love you!

I love you, Mommy.

Every abortion is just…

One more heart that was stopped.

Two more eyes that will never see.

Two more hands that will never touch.

Two more legs that will never run.

One more mouth that will never speak.

If you’re against abortion,Like and share this..

hiburan di bulan raya(openhouse,karoke,besday boboy)

OPEN HOUSE rumah kak long ayu

open house uma kakak ayu huhu sungguh best kakak die msk 
memang terbaek n pedas heheh bile2 nt kami dg msk sdp2 lagi ye kakak long ayu heheh
blk dri uma kakak ayu ney la jem melanda KL itu yg wat den poning kepale ney
btw thanks 2 ayu n kakak coz jmput kami makan heheheh
kami bab mkn je sepantas kilat smpai hehehehe amboi nmpk sgt hahahaha
yg bsame aku di sane MADER,AYU,FARAH,BOBOY n IZZAT.......tmt suda episod 
makan2 uma kak long ayu

episod esk lak hehe BESDAY BOBOY

besday boy ahahah

hehhehe cukp pic ney xmau bnyak2 hehe pic smua without aku hahah xpe2
coz aku yg ambk pic haha..mase ye kejadian boboy atau fendi hehe mase ney besday boboy la pe lg enjoy mase ney wif kwn trsyg ku tp e'ein n ejah xde klu dow ade kn lg meriah
hehehe....btw miss every momnt wif u all love u


hhaha ney la yg trakhir open house uma alif heheheh wif kwn2 ptpl ampang heheh
best dpt jmpe kwn2 hahah pdhal kat kolej pun jmpe gak hahahaa tp best la
mase ney la nk gurau2 kn hehehehe mase ney aku pakai baju biase je heheh mood raye bcmpur da hahaha
btw thanks 2 alif coz jmput aku n mmber2 makn uma ko hehehe past acare ney aku g karok lak
gan mader,e'in,ejah,ayah mader n farah kat melati kot heheh x ingt nme tmpt
tp best sgt2 dpt enjoy gan mereka2 yg aku syg hehehehe k la smpai cney nt ade mse aku uplod n taip2 lg heheheh

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


tuk semua x kire laki or puan plzz berjaga2 n beringat la......semua ini ade hikmah nye so kite perlu ambk iktibar  
di ats berita ini......

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

reunion SMTTM 2011 AT CHerating

tmpt kami tdow
BBQ nite
just a friend
owg kuat reunion
ARTIS haha
lg hahah

ce cite 

heheh hey kowg heheh aku dalam x update blog aku heheh k pic kt ats ney  ialah pic aku g reunion kat cherating heheh syok dpt jmpe dak2 smttm aku lu...first ari bkumpul ari ahad kt kmaman aduss mase 2  ati ney berdeba2 xsbr nk jmpe dak2 ney....heheh bile da jmpe aku la owg yg plg heppy skli hehe  ney aktiviti ptg adela xplorace heheh best gak tp pnat hahah menang gak team aku.....heheh jgn mara team dhiya hahah

malam lak kowg wat BBQ fuhh best ooo dpt kumpul gan kwn2 yg aku windu gile hehheehhe....
smbil BBQ kowg karoke hahah owesome la....da abis BBQ kowg pun blk heheh blk mne ade tdow lpak maen kad gan dak2 ney smpai 5 pg bru tdow aduss....pnat mse 2 lak aku tibe2 dmam aduss....

esk nye bngun kul 9 kot heheh lupe.....trus siap2 nk chek up n g gambang waterpark heheheh......
smpai gambang aku da xabar nk  mndi ney heheh wlau pun demam hahaha pg 2 suareaku da xde da truk kn heheheh..ble strt mndi ade lak kejadian yg x di ingin.....aku leh pengsann lemas mase 2 aduss malunye time 2
thanks 2 kowg yg tlg selamatakn aku..JACK,KAMA,DHIYA,SIDIQ,HELMI,NELLY,JOZ ,AM Thanks
selamatakn aku.....

n blk dr gmbak kowg semua da lapa so g mkn pas mkn singgah uma dhiya n trus kami  berpisah.....
aduss miss every moment with u all....thn dpn kite wt lg k...LOVE U ALL DAMN SO MUcH......